International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Russian Federation / Fédération de Russie

Russian Federation

ISSN National Centre for the Russian Federation

Country code: RUS
Centre code: 76

ISSN National Centre of the Russian Federation
Russian State Library
Russian Book Chamber Complex
Department of Press Statistics and International Standard Numbering.

Address: Zvezdniy blv., 17, str.1,
129085, Mosсow

Tel: +7 (499)791-01-10 51-05/ 51-13/51-08/51-07

Contact us


Ms PEROVA Galina
ISSN Head/ Head of Department of Print Statistic and International Standard Numbering
Tel: +7 (499)791-01-10 (51-05, 51-13, 51-08, 51-07)