International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


The standard ISO 3297:2007 – Information and documentation –

The standard ISO 3297:2007 – Information and documentation – International standard serial number will be revised

The results of ISO ballot on the systematic review of ISO 3297 were published at the end of September 2016. Seventeen ISO/TC46 P-Members voted in favor of the revision. Ten ISO P-members also appointed experts to participate in the working group. The latter should be set up shortly by the secretariat of Subcommittee 9 which focuses on Identification and description under the umbrella of the Technical Committee 46 dedicated to Information and Documentation.


ISSN International Centre at Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 from 19 to 21 October

The ISSN International Centre will attend Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 and will hold a booth at the International Library Centre (4.2 N75) from 19 to 21 October 2016.


ISSN Award 2016

ISSN Colombia won the 2016 ISSN Award. Mr Carlos Cifuentes Cobos, librarian, will participate in a training session from 10 to 14 October 2016 at the ISSN International Centre in Paris. The session is organized by the Data, Network & Standards department. Congratulations to our Colombian colleague and welcome!