International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


Launch of the online ISSN requesting tool by the National Library of the Philippines.

The National Library of the Philippines has just launched its online application system for the assignment of identifiers, i.e. ISSN, ISBN and ISMN, to publications issued on the national territory.

For more information, you can watch this video at .


Afnor-BnF Conference – How to adapt the digital book chain to the needs of people with reading disabilities? (remote, June 25, 2021)

At the opening of this one-day conference devoted to accessible digital books (production, identification, tools), the director of the ISSN International Centre will give an overview of the activities of the ISO 46 Technical Committee Information and documentation. Registration is free. The program and practical details are available at .


ROAD Dataset now available in KBART version

The ISSN International Centre has set up a KBART (Knowledge Bases and Related Tools) version of the free MARC data describing ROAD records, i.e. OA scholarly resources . This data is made available on BACON ( and can be reused under a CC0 license. KBART is a widely-used NISO Recommended Practice that facilitates the transfer of holdings metadata from content providers to knowledge base suppliers and libraries.