International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


Satellite Conference to the 85th IFLA WLIC

The ISSN International Centre sponsored the Satellite Conference to the 85th IFLA WLIC in Klosterneuburg, Austria.

The “Library Services for Open Science” conference was held on August 21st, 2019 and discussed library services which go beyond the classical fields of Open Access and Research Data to support Open Science. More information can be found here:​


Standards related to Serials, Continuing Resources and Scholarly Communication showcased at IFLA WLIC 2019, Athens, Greece

IFLA Serials and Other Continuing Resource section and IFLA Committee on Standards are sponsoring a joint session about standards related to serials, continuing resources and scholarly communication (Skalkotas Room, 28.08.2019, 08:30 – 10:30). The session will be chaired by Meg Mering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, and Gaëlle Béquet, ISSN IC Director. Seven presentations are scheduled on topics such as the revision of ISO 3297 – ISSN standard, the application of the FRBR/LRM model to continuing resources and the application of Pressoo model to Iranian serials. The full IFLA WLIC 2019 program is available at .


ISSN IC at IFLA WLIC 2019, Athens, Greece

25-28 August 2019: The ISSN International Centre will exhibit at booth n°A112 during the 85th IFLA General Conference and Assembly in Athens, Greece.

26 August 2019: The ISSN International Centre will give a presentation entitledLinked ISSN data, Crowdsourcing, International Cooperation: How we enhance the quality of the ISSN Portal” at the Expo Pavilion Session from 15:00 to 15:45.