International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


The ballot on sixth version of ISO 3297 – ISSN is under way

Early October, ISO Central Secretariat launched a FDIS ballot to validate the sixth version of ISO 3297 – ISSN.  All ISO Member bodies can vote until the end of November 2019. The sixth version of the ISSN standard should be published by ISO in 2020.


ISSN Regional Meeting @ IZUM (Maribor, Slovenia, 22-24 October 2019)

The ISSN International Centre is organizing an ISSN Regional Meeting in partnership with IZUM, the Slovenian Institute of Information Science ( in Maribor, Slovenia. Representatives from Balkan and Central European ISSN National Centres will attend and share information about metadata issues, the ISSN Portal and the new metadata production tool.


ISSN International Centre at the 2019 Frankfurt Book Fair, 16-17 October 2019

The ISSN IC Sales team  will be happy to welcome you at the Frankfurt Book Fair,  International Library Centre – Hall 4.2, stand N 75